Saturday 10 March 2012

sprouting chickpeas

Sprouted some chickpeas (just dried ones from a packet) to eat and also to try growing some as I read they can make a nice house plant. To sprout them I soaked them overnight more than covered in water. Then drain and rinse, then keep rinsing a few times a day if you can remember, for 2-3 days. Leave somewhere dark, I did this in a colander and tried to make sure they were quite dry in between rinses so that they wouldn't go mouldy. On the packet it does say don't eat raw: I think you can when soaked and sprouted this way but with caution/in small quantities as it doesn't agree with everyone.

For planting chickpeas it is still worth soaking, as I kept a few moist separately that weren't for eating which weren't soaked and they didn't do as much sprouting or swelling up.

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