Thursday 8 March 2012

moving house (& garden)

I mentioned before that I should be moving house soon. So knowing that I had tried to save money by digging up and saving last year's spring and summer bulbs, and replanting them for this year. That seems to be working out for me, I'm not sure what the success rate is as I didn't count them, but I have at least 15 tulip and other bulbs with healthy green shoots now!

Also, I really wanted to buy a passion flower climber and a ceanothus for the new garden (California lilac, it should have gorgeous blue flowers once mature), and yesterday I gave in even though we haven't got a moving date yet. They were pretty cheap as small plants, a bigger ceanthus online cost several times the price so it's a risk worth taking. (Not sure if this is the variety I think is the prettiest but if it dies I may invest in a nicer one later). I am going to try keeping them in pots until I can plant them in the new garden. The ceanothus looks pretty happy. I have "mulched" it with some dead grass, and plan on using a frost fleece if it gets very cold (I know it is probably quite frost hardy as it's evergreen, just want to take extra care of it until it gets bigger). The picture is of it next to my strawberry plants which have survived the winter. 4 pots rather than original 2 - since they had sent out runners which I planted.

The passion flower was the only one in the shop and looked a bit spindly. When I got it home all the leaves had fallen off! I've left one in the pot to remind me and the plant what the leaves looked like! It still just had some tendrils as a little bit of green. I put it in a bigger pot and it is sitting in my sunny window while I try to coax it back to life. It won't have a fence or trellis for proper support until we move.

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