Sunday 30 January 2011

2nd set of seeds planted

It is almost February now so I thought it was about time to plant some of the tomato (Sungold and Gardener's Delight both cherry toms), rocket and flowers "Swan River, purple Splendour". Maybe a little bit early but I was impatient :) The packets said Feb. They are in a propagator tray with lid, in the windowsill. Strawberry seeds already planted, I am expecting a slower start for them.

Had a bit more of a look outside (the last few times it has been dark after I get home from work, with just the security light on, so I couldn't really see). There are various shoots - I didn't label things so not sure which are which. No shoots from the pot I know was snowdrops :( though there were a 2nd lot planted in the flowerbed.

A few weeks ago an animal had been digging up some of my bulbs, suspecting it could have been a cat I've put pieces of lemon on the soil as I read that this is one of the less harmful ways of discouraging them. I haven't had a problem yet since though I'm not sure this is due to the citrus.

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