Thursday 26 January 2012

January shoots

Will post pics soon - some of the last year's spring and summer bulbs have started growing shoots in the garden. I dug up the bulbs and saved them in paper bags (to dry them out and stop mould growing, in a cold cupboard indoors). I'm not completely sure now which are which so they will be a surprise!

There might be tulips, narcissus, muscari and allium I think. I will blog which ones grow when they do as it will be interesting to see which you can keep year to year - no new spend! (I have bought some other plants I can't plant yet as I may be moving house.) I think some would probably regrow if left in the soil but I had planted other things so I wanted to dig them up.

A couple of the larger bulbs I put in plant pots first before sinking into the soil as I plan to dig the pots up for easier transport if the moving house goes through. Others are in containers anyway, and the rest I will see whether they seem worth trying to move. The new plants I'll wait as long as I can before planting so it might be in the new garden - hence the cheap reusing of bulbs.

I have also seen pansies, anenomes, lupins and asters reappear to some extent. Last summer I had lots of poppies and cornflowers, I have more seeds if I need to replant.

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