Thursday 24 November 2011

mini succulent plant

Not much left in the garden now, well at least not any tomatoes. I haven't had the time or will to tidy up or plant spring bulbs yet. My purple osteospermum is the best surviving colour out in the garden.. the dahlias are over now. This baby plant is growing indoors in soil from a leaf of a bigger plant (the stem you can see is a different one though, dragon plant).

This pansy only flowered briefly but was really unusual looking, frilly and purple!

I saved some tulip, narcissus and alium bulbs from this summer - I've never tried re-planting bulbs before. I may try to see what I get rather than spend a lot on new ones this spring, perhaps try to save the dahlia tubers too, although the red ones I had this year aren't as nice as the big bold purple and white ones I had a couple of years back.

Finally, another old pic from October - showing 1 of my strawberry plants sending out runners, which I've put into another pot beside it. Sorry not very clear with the long grass around it. I must go out and rescue them into the warm before any frost.. perhaps they will have fruit next year. I think it is the bought plant rather than the from seed 1 that had the runners.